Tools for Shareholder Activists™ is a resource for investors for education, enlightenment, and, above all, empowerment. Therefore, exploring the definition of Shareholder Activism can help you envision your potential to affect change, and evolve from a passive investor to an empowered activist. Socially …
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A shareholder proposal is a documented recommendation that a shareholder formally submits to a publicly-traded company advocating the company take a specific course of action. A shareholder proposal should not be long-winded, multi-page document. In fact, if it exceeds 500 …
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At the, we are determined to help level the playing field for the regular investor, providing the tools, tactics and techniques to facilitate your responsible shareholder activism. I am very pleased to report that our subscribers are responding. Earlier …
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Shareholder proposals are rarely successful. However, before your proposal can even be considered, it first needs to pass muster, and there are many reasons why it can be “excluded” by management. Below is a basic summary of many of the …
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Shareholder activism is rarely a level playing field, so you need to enlist every available advantage possible to advance your campaign. Depending on the maturity of your campaign, the realistic likelihood of its success, your knowledge of the company and …
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No one said shareholder activism was easy…or cheap. A shareholder proposal is one action a shareholder, or group of shareholders, can take to attempt to affect change. This is a formal proposal submitted by a shareholder or a group of …
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The mission of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation, according to the Commission’s mission statement posted online. Shareholders need to be aware of the roll role …
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Knowing the deadline for filing your shareholder proposal will better enable you to map out a timeline for success. DID YOUR COMPANY HOLD AN ANNUAL MEETING THE PREVIOUS YEAR? If you plan on submitting your proposal for the annual meeting …
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Are you concerned with the long-term viability of a publicly traded company in which you hold shares? Is management missing an important opportunity? Do you have a great idea that will add shareholder value? If so, don’t just dispute, contribute. …
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A “Shareholder Proposal” is an essential component in the tool kit of any investor activist or corporate gadfly. Basically, a shareholder proposal is a document recommendation that a shareholder formally submits to a publicly traded company advocating the company take …
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