Shareholder Activism Spotlight

Guest post from Kent Greenfield. Author, ‘The Myth of Choice’; law professor at Boston College. This article is adapted from a more substantial essay in the Fall 2012 issue of Democracy: A Journal of Ideas and appeared previously on Huffington Post, 9/15/2012. We progressives have been …
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I get frequent alerts for news on shareowner activism from various sources. I’ve seen this press release sent out by Susman Godfrey L.L.P. concerning their win against a small shareowner pop up so many times I can no longer ignore …
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BNN’s The Street is delivering an in-depth look at the growing number of shareholder uprisings. Activist investors are speaking out at CP Rail, Yahoo, Astral Media and elsewhere. And, they’re not just taking on management. They’re winning their battles too. …
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The National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) announced the highest level of director credentialing–NACD Fellowship–for 303 corporate directors and corporate governance professionals. NACD Fellows have demonstrated their commitment to promoting the highest standards of leadership in the boardroom through an …
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Mason Morfit, a partner at ValueAct Capital and one of the most successful shareholder activists in the US, according to the Rock Center announcement, and Abe Friedman, of CJB Capital Management (former Global Head of Corporate Governance & Responsible Investment for BlackRock …
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Richard L. Trumka, President, AFL-CIO announced an update to their PayWatch website—this year’s version is called CEO Pay and the 99%. Trumka says it’s your one-stop shop for the most recent information on out-of-control CEO pay and what you can …
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In law, there is a principle known as “Ignorantia juris non excusat,” or “ignorance of the law does not excuse.” It holds that a person who is unaware of a law may not escape liability for violating that law. Without …
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When I started posting in 1995 I could come home from work, do a quick search on Alta Vista (before google) and read everything posted on corporate governance in a few minutes. Now searching “corporate governance” brings up 34 million …
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When fighting for the issues you believe in passionately, your message needs to be understood before it can be heard. It is not enough to be the most informed, or the loudest, or even just right. If your audience can’t …
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A “Shareholder Proposal” is an essential component in the tool kit of any investor activist or corporate gadfly. Basically, a shareholder proposal is a document recommendation that a shareholder formally submits to a publicly traded company advocating the company take …
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