Tools for Shareholder Activists

Shareholder advocacy is a participatory sport. One of the essential tools in the toolkit of any corporate gadfly is the shareholder proposal, also known as the shareholder resolution. This is a formal proposal submitted by a shareholder or a group …
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Shareholder proposals that focused on affecting procedures and by-laws have been far more likely to be adopted by US publicly traded companies than other types of investor submissions. That is according to “Proxy Monitor 2011-A Report on Corporate Governance and …
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A shareholder activist is not an island—at least if he wants to affect change. Heavyweight shareholder activists, or cabals of corporate raiders, can exert brute force to bend the board of a publicly traded company to their will. However, the …
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In shareholder activism, knowledge is power and that power often rests in the substance of the documents and reference points you can pool to support your arguments. Once you engage your shareholder activist campaign and immerse yourself in locating, reviewing, …
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Will your blog be built to last—or will it be one of the many that have withered and died, having limped along until being abandoned on the side of the road in cyberspace? How many blogs are there? Blog search …
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When it comes to shareholder activism, books are judged by their covers. Your potential to rally the support for your activist campaigns will be heavily dependent upon the look and feel of your communications. This includes issuing the professional, polished …
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