The Wall Street Psychologist

Sabbatical comes from the Latin sabbaticus meaning a “rest from work, or a hiatus.” Not exactly… Forces, both external and internal, have seized my day. My ‘glorious’ book about the inner life of financial professionals, and the history/psychology of money …
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Financial professionals have access to an increasingly sophisticated arsenal of instruments and strategies. Depending upon circumstances, an institution, or even an individual, can create catastrophic damage. Consider the “naked” short sell, touted by industry critics and grandstanding politicos as the …
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Criterion behavior focuses on what you (the individual person) bring to the table. Your imagination, inventiveness, communication skills, cognitive skills, productivity, work ethic, character, personality, courage, self-respect and respect for other people are paramount for life success. This, ultimately, is …
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We live in a culture where we’ve been conditioned to want “stuff and things” we don’t really need. The marketing language of persuasion is very powerful in the media and throughout society. Edward Bernays is considered to be the father of public …
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People are very curious and very interested in money, especially in what others have and where they stand in comparison. In our culture people are frequently evaluated by their portfolio size (or what others deem the “size” to be). Companies …
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Image, from the Latin, is an artifact that has some similar appearance to a subject. The important point here is that by definition image is not truly real, but we are led to, trained to, and persuaded to think and …
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It’s your life and they’re your goals, or they should be. You walk/run/jog in your own Nikes, Pumas, or Jordans. Or even Keds. If you want to make money a huge part of your life, then so be it. Money …
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Peer pressure is the influence and power one’s peer group has in order to encourage or persuade a person to change their attitudes, their thinking, their belief systems, their values, and even their deep inner feelings in order to conform …
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Budgeting, revenue generation, maintaining a strong credit rating (FICO score), and protecting your identity are all essential life tasks. Mastering the painful art and science of saving is also very important. Contrary to “popular opinion,” and our rich fantasy lives, …
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Determining what is important and what has meaning, and ultimately value, for you as an individual is critical. Especially when it comes to money. There’s only so much that goes around. This is an essential process for shareholders. Savvy shareholders …
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